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Principle of sanitary butterfly valve

Sanitary butterfly valve opening and closing parts is a disc shaped butterfly plate, in the body around its own axis rotation, so as to achieve the opening and closing or adjust the valve is called butterfly valve. Butterfly valve full open to full close is usually less than 90 degrees, butterfly valve and butterfly rod itself is not self-locking, in order to butterfly plate positioning, to install a worm gear reducer on the valve stem.

Using worm gear reducer, not only can make the butterfly plate has the self-locking ability, make the butterfly plate stop at any position, but also can improve the operating performance of the valve.

Industry special butterfly valve features high temperature resistance, pressure range is also higher, the valve nominal diameter is large, the body is made of carbon steel, the valve plate seal ring USES metal ring instead of rubber ring. Large high temperature butterfly valve is made by welding steel plate, which is mainly used for smoke duct and gas pipeline of high temperature medium.

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