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Installation of electric control valve

The installation of electric control valve mainly has the following five steps:

1. The regulating valve belongs to the field instrument, the environmental temperature should be in the range of -25 ~ 60℃, the relative humidity ≤95%. If it is installed in the open air or high temperature occasions, should take waterproof, cooling measures. In the source of the place to be away from the source of vibration or increase anti-vibration measures.

2. The regulating valve should be installed vertically in general, and can be tilted under special circumstances, such as the tilt Angle is very big or the valve itself is too heavy when the valve should be added support protection.

3. The pipe for installing the regulator valve should not be too high from the ground or the floor. When the pipe height is more than 2 m, the platform should be set as far as possible to facilitate the operation of the handwheel and maintenance.

4. Before the installation of the electric control valve, the pipeline shall be cleaned to remove dirt and welding slag. After installation, in order to ensure that impurities do not remain in the body, the valve should be cleaned again, that is, all the valves should be opened when the media is in, so as to avoid impurities stuck. After using the handwheel mechanism, should be restored to the original neutral position.

5. In order to enable the regulator to continue the production process in the event of failure or maintenance, the regulator shall be provided with a bypass line.

At the same time, special attention should be paid to whether the installation position of the regulator conforms to the requirements of the process.

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