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Butterfly valve features and application

Butterfly valve features and applications:

Butterfly valve is used to open, close and adjust the flow channel with the disc type opening and closing parts reciprocating rotation about 90 degrees. It is suitable for flow regulation.

Butterfly valve advantages:

1, easy to open and close quickly, labor saving, small fluid resistance, can often operate.

2. Simple structure, small size and light weight.

3. Mud can be transported and less liquid can be accumulated at the pipe mouth.

4. Good sealing can be achieved under low pressure.

5. Good adjustment performance.

Disadvantages of butterfly valve:

1. Small range of operating pressure and operating temperature.

2, poor sealing.

Sandwich type hard seal butterfly valve is one of the valve varieties developed in recent decades. Especially in the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and other industrial developed countries, the use of butterfly valve is very widespread. The variety and quantity of its use is still continuing to expand, and to high temperature, high pressure, large diameter, high sealing, long life, excellent regulation characteristics and a valve multi-function direction of development, its reliability and other performance indicators have reached a higher level, and has partially replaced the globe valve, gate valve and ball valve. With the development of butterfly valve technology. In the foreseeable short time, especially in the medium and large caliber, medium and low pressure use of the field, butterfly valve will become the dominant valve form.

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